CLEVELAND — When you hear Glenville and state championships, you might immediately think of football or track and field, and rightfully so.
Coach Ted Ginn Sr. has led the Tarblooders to six track state titles and two football championships. Glenville Boys Basketball Coach Bryon Ottrix has known Coach Ginn since he was a child and says their relationship has helped get his team on the cusp of history.
"I’ve been around Coach Ginn since I was 9 years old," Ottrix said. "Just to be around him every single day, see the work that he puts in and see the time that he puts in, I’ve learned everything from him.”
Ottrix has led Glenville to its first state championship in his first season as head coach after longtime head coach Michael Holt retired last year. With a win, they’d become the first Cleveland Public School to win a basketball state title since 1972.
"Cleveland Public Schools we get counted out," Ottrix said. "People don’t think we can make it this far. We don’t have all the bells and whistles. We don’t have all the facilities. We don’t have all of the opportunities.”
Ottrix’s players have taken after their coach and realize that the run to the state title is meaningful to a lot more people than just the team.
"Their support means everything because without them, we wouldn’t be where we’re at," senior Lorenzo Staley said.
"This is something serious," senior Xavier Vickerstaff said. "Just doing this for the city of Cleveland and the people, that’s all the motivation we need to go out there and give it our all because we really put our names on something that’s never been done before. It really means something, it’s really special.”
"When we win and we make it to this level, this is a win for everybody," Ottrix said.
Glenville will face Marysville in the OHSAA Division IV championship game at 4:15 p.m. You can watch the game on Spectrum News 1.