If you've ever wanted to go on Safari but can't swing a plane ticket to Africa, there are opportunities to enjoy the high-rated safari experiences right here in the Buckeye State.

USA Today's Readers' Choice Awards ranked the 10 best safari parks in the U.S., and two Ohio locations made the cut.

Coming in at number 10 was African Safari Wildlife Park in Port Clinton, Ohio. This park is located at 267 S Lightner Road. It features a drive-thru and walk-thru safari and animals ranging from emus to elks, to giraffes and more.

Another Ohio safari park, The Wilds, came in second place. The park is located at 14000 International Road in Cumberland, Ohio. Visitors have the chance to see cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, ostriches and more. The park also allows visitors to stay overnight.

Here is the full list of top 10 safari parks in the U.S.

  1. Lee G. Simmons Wildlife Safari Park in Ashland, Nebraska
  2. The Wilds in Cumberland, Ohio
  3. Global Wildlife Center in Folsom, Louisiana
  4. Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Eureka Springs, Arkansas
  5. Lion Country Safari in Loxahatchee, Florida
  6. Bearizona Wildlife Park in Williams, Arizon
  7. Virginia Safari Park in Natural Brige, Virginia
  8. Keystone Safari in Grove City, Pennsylvania
  9. Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon
  10. African Safari Wildlife Park in Port Clinton, Ohio