CHARLOTTE, N.C. — As tension between the U.S. and Iran continues, experts are warning people about misinformation online.

  • The U.S. Army is concerned about misinformation spreading online.
  • Recently people report recieving text messages informing them they've been drafted.
  • Officials are urging people to check validity before sharing things.

The U.S. Army reports that people are getting a fake text that says they're being drafted and will be immediately sent to Iran.

Cyber security expert and Fortalice Solutions CEO, Theresa Payton, says messages like this are a perfect example of how Iranian forces, or other enemies, could be using the average person's device to create problems across the world.

This is why she is warning people to make sure to fact check your information before sharing it online.

“Part of the motive of a manipulation campaign is most of the manipulators out there do not like democracy. And so when they strike fear in the hearts of Americans, that things aren’t right with our democracy, they win a little,” says Payton. “So manipulation campaigns telling people you’re going to be drafted, and having people get all up in arms and getting upset, they win a little. And they love to see that portrayed in the news.”

Payton also warns even if you don't think your information is valuable, hackers can use it to link to others you know.

They may also sell your information on the dark web to gain more access to what they're really after.

For more information on how a draft would work, please visit the Selective Service System's website