LEXINGTON, Ky. - Democratic Attorney General Andy Beshear, the party's nominee for governor, pitched his campaign to Lexington business leaders Friday following a speech by Republican Governor Matt Bevin earlier this week.
Beshear told the Lexington business community about his platform, sharing many of the same thoughts he discussed during the debate earlier this week, while also talking about working with Republican leaders who do not see eye-to-eye with him.
Beshear opened the speech by touting his record as attorney general.
"We have ended Kentucky's rape kit backlog. That means we have tested every single kit. We're one of only two states that can say that, and we now have 10 indictments coming out of this backlog, to make sure that we get justice for people who waited too long," Beshear said. "We tripled the number of child predators we have removed from our communities, making them safer for your kids and mine. We arrested a record number of human traffickers last year, and saved a record number of victims."
He said Bevin is being too divisive with his rhetoric.
"Growing up in Kentucky, growing up not very far from here, I know our challenges are too fundamental in this state to have one side and another side," Beshear said.
He also took a swipe at Bevin for tying his campaign to President Donald Trump.
"This race is about what's going on in your house, not what's going on in the White House," Beshear said. "But someone who is afraid to run on their record try to may make it about the White House."
When it comes to policy, Beshear laid out his plans for an "Education First" budget
"It's about making sure that the next budget doesn't do what this governor did to the last one, which is eliminate funds for technology in textbooks," Beshear said. "Our kids are having to compete not just with Indiana but with India, and we must give them the resources."
He also talked about expanding Medicaid and health care in general, along with boosting jobs in rural parts of the state, including areas like manufacturing and agricultural technology.
And he wants to pay for all of this with more sources of revenue, including medical marijuana and expanded gambling.
But Republican legislative leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer, have already promised to kill Beshear's agenda if he's elected.
"Damon Thayer is one of our most partisan legislators. He's one of the closest allies of Governor Bevin, and he's taking Governor Bevin's side during an election. We shouldn't be shocked, but you shouldn't take put any stock in it, either. He owes a duty to the people of his district to do what's right and to do what helps them move forward, and I believe the public is going to demand that of him and everyone else."
Beshear went on to say that he would use executive orders to accomplish the "right things" if he needs to.