FRANKFORT, Ky. - The trial of Jerry Lundergan and political consultant Dale Emmons is wrapping up. Closing arguments took place on Wednesday in Frankfort.

Prosecuting U.S. Attorney Robert Heberle delivered his summary Wednesday morning.  Heberle said Lundergan and Emmons knowingly and illegally contributed to the 2014 Senate campaign of Alison Lundergan-Grimes, Grimes' daughter. For the first time since the trial began, Lundergan-Grimes was in the courtroom.

Heberle repeatedly said both men knew the rules and knew they were breaking them with the contributions.  He said their knowledge of politics made this a pattern and not a simple mistake.

Defense Attorney True continued making the case that “mistakes were made," and, “It doesn’t matter if mistakes were made by the government or defense. There’s no mistakes made with criminal intent."

True then stated that Lundergan can’t be found guilty unless the jury finds proof beyond reasonable doubt.

“If a not guilty verdict in your mind is justice in this case, then anything else would be an injustice,” True said to the jury toward the end of his closing argument.

The prosecuting attorney will get to make a rebuttal to the defense attorney's closing argument on Thursday. After that, jurors will get the case.

Lundergan is charged with 10 counts, four of which hold a maximum 20 years each in prison. . Political consultant Dale Emmons is facing 6 counts. Two of those hold a maximum sentence each of 20 years in prison. Each count also comes with a $250,000 fine.