EDGEWOOD, Ky. — It looks like Christmas has arrived a little early. The oldest craft show in Northern Kentucky, Keepsake Christmas Show, opened its doors for one more day of sales and raise donations for the Kindervelt of Children’s Hospital.

What You Need To Know

  • Keepsake Christmas show is the oldest craft show in Northern Kentucky

  • 26 crafters came together to sale their Christmas work

  • They hosted a raffle and the donations will go to the Kindervelt of Chrildren's Hospital

Crafters, from all different ages and walks of life, joined forces to host the 39th Keepsake Christmas Show to celebrate the holiday season, selling goods like holiday flavored candy, stuffed snowman and candles. 

Loryl Haggard, event organizer and crafter herself shared how this event came to be. 

Haggard said, “There’s 26 of us that work together as a co-op that put together this boutique and set it all up so that it’s so that it turns out into a full shopping experience.”

One of the original crafters of this event, Roseann Bechtold, says her crafting hobby came about so she could do more for her children as a single mother.

“I got divorced, and, I mean, I am a nurse by profession, and this allowed me to do the extra stuff for the kids and work part-time,” Bechtold shared.

Bechtold added, “I like creation. And a lot of these are original patterns that I don’t have, patterns that I, I can copy almost anything that I see. And just the creativity of what you can do with what you find using recycled stuff.” 

Like Bechtold, the youngest crafter of the event, Sarahmarie Specht-Bird, says that crafting allows her to make something new and bring joy to others. She says that being the youngest crafter makes her want to pass on the tradition and spread holiday joy.

“My mother and my grandmother taught me to crochet and I think being part of like this longer tradition and seeing other people’s crafts and like feeling that I’m continuing that for younger generations is really cool too,” Specht-Bird shared.

Each crafter will donate an item to be raffled off and those funds will be given to the Kindervelt of Children’s Hospital organization.

Next year will be the show’s 40th anniversary, which began in one of their homes.