VERSAILLES, Ky. — Eckert’s Orchard opened its annual corn maze. This year, the farm will donate a portion of the proceeds made from the maze to Woodford’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program (D.A.R.E.).

What You Need To Know

  • Eckert's Orchard opened its annual corn maze. The farm started this yearly tradition in 2002

  •  For this year's maze, the farm partnered with Woodford's Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program

  •  A portion of the proceeds made from the maze will go toward D.A.R.E. There are educational signs from the program inside of the maze

  • The maze will be open every weekend until the end of October

Fall is a busy time of year for the farm. It grows apples for people to pick and gets the corn maze ready. Preparations for the maze began several months ago.

The staff at Eckert’s Orchard create the design for the maze and someone comes to cut it using GPS technology.

Along with some proceeds made from the corn maze going toward D.A.R.E., this year’s partnership included incorporating the organization’s logo into the maze and posting educational signs inside of it.

“We’ve partnered with them for several things and just feel like that that’s a great organization that we can help support right here in our own county,” said Megan Fields, the farm’s manager.

The corn maze will be open every Friday through Sunday until the end of October.

Pick-your-own-apples is currently being offered, and starting Saturday, Sept. 23 people can pick pumpkins from the farm’s pumpkin patch.