Fairfax was once a quiet neighborhood, catering to the mostly Jewish families who lived there. Over the last decade, an influx of hipster shops and some hip restaurants have begun to replace the local butchers and tiny bakeries that used to dominate the area.

But for almost 90 years, Canter’s Deli has remained at the neighborhood's epicenter, melding generation after generation around its traditional Jewish deli food. 

It’s an iconic deli with something extra. From pastrami to pop culture, Canter’s has been at the forefront the L.A. entertainment scene since 1961. 

Its adjoining Kibitz Room dishes up music at night, and has featured some big time rock and roll history over the years. In decades past, icons like Janis Joplin, The Doors and Neil Young have hung out here, as co-owner Marc Canter remembers.

He also says that in the late 1980's and early 1990's, bands like The Wallflowers and Guns N' Roses sometimes stopped by for a gig.

But now the Kibitz Room is known for something else: comedy.

Ester Steinberg is the young comic from New York who turned Canter’s Kibitz Room into an L.A. comedy room. Well-known comics have made surprise appearances and up-and-comers are invited to perform. 

Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Canter’s remains a go-to destination for a-listers, musicians, locals, and now comedians.