FLORIDA — An organization and two companies are working together to create “Partnership for a Resilient America” amidst hurricane season. Resilience Force, PuroClean and Signal Restoration are collaborating “to train 1,000 resilience workers” to prepare for the hurricane season.

What You Need To Know

  • The "Partnership for a Resilient America" was announced Tuesday

  • It will train 1,000 resilience workers for the hurricane season

  • Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su traveled to Florida for the announcement

Acting U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Julie Su traveled to South Florida this week for the announcement of the new program. Su is visiting various states as part of the department’s "Good Jobs Summer Tour." 

“As our country deals with more and more extreme weather caused by climate change, we’ll rely even more on workers who are well-trained to rebuild communities impacted by disaster. And the essential jobs they do must be good jobs. The Department of Labor is putting our resources, our expertise, and our vision into this work,” Su said.

Those who take part in the program will train at PuroClean’s facility in Tamarac, Fla., where the announcement was made. They will receive "climate resilience technician" certifications upon completion of the program. It will also work to help the graduates find jobs. 

While in Florida, Su also advocated for a national heat standard for workers.