CHATSWORTH, Calif. -- With floating fire places, levitating chairs, and life-like fake trees, a trip to the home of the late magician Joey Kabosius is truly a trip into another world.

"He created this whole thing," said his wife Joanie Kabosius.

She showed us his workshop, a magical man cave filled with all kinds of toys and tricks that he used to entertain generations of children. 

Joey was the resident magician at Sierra Canyon School and summer camp for more than 30 years before passing away from valley fever, a rare fungal infection. 

Over the years, he performed at countless birthday parties and events as "Joey Magic" or the "Rainbow Wizard," even making an appearance on the children’s TV show Kidsongs in the 90s.

"He loved scissors, books, jewels. He said God wouldn’t have invented scissors if he didn’t want you to cut something," Joanie said.

She says he was one of a kind, often embracing the bizarre…like carrying around a fake fish named Bob.

"He never minded the attention because he’s an entertainer," she said. "It was a lot of fun. We laughed all the time."

She says Joey first became interested in magic when he was 10. He went on to serve in Vietnam and entertain the troops. He said the hardest part was the burn wards.

"He went and did shows where Bob Hope couldn’t go," Joanie said.

She recalls when Joey asked her father for permission to marry her.

"My dad said, 'Well, what do you do for a living?' and he said 'I’m a magician.' And my dad said, 'I understand that, but what do you do for a living?'"

"I would call this place like the Chatsworth shire," said Paul Chilopoulos, who lived down the street and considered Joey a second father. "This was always like a magical place."

Chilopoulos found Joey's work inspiring.

"To kids, he was this entertainer. To strangers, he was the man with the fish."

But one of the biggest spectacles was his custom confetti cannon.

"You’d be shooting off all these different ones and then when there was the big finale, you’d boom and shoot the last one!" Chilopoulos said.

He's now in the process of going through sheds full of Joey’s materials and while many things look like nothing more than simple party tricks and gags...

"He’d give them essence, and he’d give them a story, and he’d give them character that would bring a smile to your face," Chilopoulos said.

A true child at heart who left a lasting impression, which just might be his greatest trick of all.

Joey’s Celebration of Life is May 25 at 10 a.m. at the Chatsworth Lake on Lake Manor Drive.