LOS ANGELES — A new mobile app called Magma touts itself as a blend of mobile blog and social media publishing. It allows users to publish their content in the form of a digital magazine, referred to as a mag. 

What You Need To Know

  • Jake Warner and his friend Joey Chowaiki are co-founders of Magma

  • Magma allows user to publish content in a digital magazine format

  • According to Wagner and Chowaiki, Magma can help save users thousands of dollars if their main objective is solely to share their work in a portfolio style environment

  • Magma is free to users

Jake Warner and his friend Joey Chowaiki said they created the app out of necessity and what both indicated was a missing link in the world of content creation.

“I needed it for my job. Joey started one of the first social media-marketing firms. It was a need on my end and Joey’s end based on the fact he was having creators and influencers and brands come to him on a daily basis saying they were stuck between a quick Instagram post and a really time intensive financially progressive YouTube video. In between all that, they started a blog where they had to develop a website and have someone run it. There was always a missing link,” said Warner.

How does the app work?

According to Warner and Chowaiki, Magma can help save users thousands of dollars if their main objective is solely to share their work in a portfolio style environment. The app allows users to combine high definition photos, copy, and videos in a digital magazine format. Content creators can then generate a link, which can be made public or private, to share with their audience. The link can be viewed in the app or web view format. 

Magma allows users to upload, or link, videos.

Warner and Chowaiki said their app is not just about getting users to spend more time on a device but rather allowing users to create and consume valuable information. They said their app aims to stop the endless scrolling of content created by an algorithm that thinks it knows a user based on likes and clicks. Besides being a one-stop shop for creators, Magma allows users to spend more time consuming the information they choose rather than spending endless time scrolling.

“We are in a time where Instagram gives this stigma where it’s quick pace content. I would say 70% are not reacting to that full caption because there is this whole ideology of a quick swipe, swipe, tap, tap. Magma is all user-generated content (UGC). We are trying to change the way people provide, create, and share amazing content,” said Chowaiki.

At a time when everyday activities have gone virtual due to the ongoing pandemic, Magma provides creators the opportunity to deliver their content to their audience directly on their mobile devices.

Mag links generated directly on Magma can also help with view counts and SEO (search engine optimization).

“It boosts and helps with SEO. We index certain words into Google. When you publish a Mag, you are getting clicks and ranking hire on Google,” said Warner.

What about all the information being collected?

Magma said it does collect data, but Warner and Chowaiki assure users the data is used only to benefit users.

“We don’t sell our data,” said Chowaiki.

“A massive difference between our platform and others is we don’t try to keep a user on Magma unless it benefits him or her,” said Warner. 

Warner and Chowaiki said that they are very passionate about content and mobile applications.

“We are doing it because we see a need in the market, and we are just trying to provide a tool that can be used by anybody – that’s the end goal,” said Warner.

Could Magma become another tool for misinformation?

The creators said the content on Magma needs to be taken as opinion, or an op-ed, rather than a factual piece of data. 

“Everything you read should be read as an opinion rather than facts,” said Warner.

Both said there is a system to block content deemed harmful, dangerous, or inappropriate.

For now, Warner and Chowaiki indicated that Magma is completely free to use, but as the app continues to roll out, there will be additional features that will cost a fee. Even so, they said it will be geared towards individuals looking to use Magma in a professional manner. One of the features expected to roll out soon will allow creators to monetize their own content.