LOS ANGELES — “No don’t go up, go down if anything bro,” you can hear Jose Antonio telling the fans located on the upper deck of Dodger Stadium.

In his cell phone video, you can see dozens of people racing up the stairs at Dodger Stadium after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Ridgecrest, Calif. and was felt across Southern California.

It was the fourth inning of Friday night's game, and Enrique Hernandez was up to bat. That’s when the shaking started.

“We just had an earthquake at the Dodger game, look at all these people fleeing their seats,” said Antonio as he records on his cell phone.

Antonio was with his friend, Josh Bocanegra, at the game and they both documented what happened.

“This is my second time feeling an earthquake, my first time was yesterday,” Bocanegra said.

He's from New York, and this was his first Dodger game, so when they both felt the rumbling, they thought it was just movement caused by the excited crowd, but they quickly learned that wasn’t the case.

“But then we saw people starting to run up and then we’re like, should we leave at that point? I’m like, what do you do when you’re at a stadium, it’s like the worst place you can possibly be, so, I don’t know,” said Bocanegra.

That's why they decided to leave by the seventh inning, once they thought about aftershocks.

“In case there’s an aftershock, I don’t want to be in the nose bleeds of Dodger Stadium," said Antonio.

“I’m not even from California, so I was like yeah, nah, I don’t know, I gotta leave,” Bocanegra added.

But most people did stay put, not leaving until after the game which continued as normal.