There are Dodgers fans and then there are Dodgers super fans: people with such a passion for the team that it can't be ignored.
Valente Quintero and Moniq Guerra are two such Dodgers die-hards.
But don't worry if you don't recognize their names. Both have come to be known for their unique nicknames, "Baseball Head" and "Blue Lipz."
Opening Day began for these two bright and early, long before the sun had risen over Dodger Stadium.
“It’s just the thing, you have to go all out for the Dodgers," Guerra said." “I try to be different than everybody, so it’s nice when people see the blue lipstick.”
While Guerra's signature is her glittery, royal blue lipstick and Dodger-themed attire, Quintero is now famous for his painted head. He began to paint his face about six years ago in an attempt to pump up the crowd. From that point, the process has become a tradition.
“The colors, the team, the passion, it’s just great, it’s amazing," he said when asked why he continues to paint his head. "I had always gone to the stadium as a kid, and for the Dodgers, anything is worth it."
The painting process takes about an hour and begins with a coat of white paint and adhesive. His wife then moves onto the stitching of a baseball, mimicked by twine, and the application of Dodgers decals.
Like Guerra, Valente hopes to continue his unqiue game day routine for years to come.
“Some girls are into purses, watches. I’m into this. This is my life," she said.
“It’s the roots. My family ever since I grew up, they’ve always been Dodgers fans," Quintero said.