LONG BEACH, Calif. – Karla Flores is the owner of Mikhuna, a Peruvian food truck.

She bought her truck more than three years ago. Her whole family helps her run it.

Flores is from Long Beach and has been thinking for a while about doing something charitable.

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“It’s all about kindness. You know sometimes we forget and driving around you see it all day long. You see people begging for food,” said Flores.

Thanks to a friend in the Mayor’s Office, Flores got the permit to put on a large, one-day event. She calls it “Trucks Giving.” More than a dozen food trucks confirmed they will show up and serve on November 21. None of them will make a dime on it.

“You’ll be surprised how many people really want to help. They just have no idea how to even begin,” said Flores.

This is the first time Flores has done something like this.

Each truck is donating 200 meals. There are 1,200 tickets available with 900 of them going to local charities and shelters to be given away, the 300 left over could be bought. That money goes to the mayor’s fund to end homelessness.

The event is from 5 to 8 p.m. at 14th Street Park.