Much of working in politics requires a lot of face-to-face interaction with constituents, traveling and meetings with colleagues. But during the coronavirus pandemic, work isn’t the same for those working in Washington. Rep. Jimmy Gomez tells Inside the Issues it’s a difficult adjustment, but he’s making it work.

“It's been a little frustrating. I didn't run for public office to be kept away from the public. That's just the essence of the job is that we can interact with our constituents, listen to their issues, complaints, dreams, desires and everything that’s bothering them and being up close helps with that,” he said.


He is holding telephone town halls and posting on Facebook and Instagram to talk to those in his district. He often brings in experts to answer questions.

“You name it, we’re doing it to connect with the constituents,” he said. “I had someone from the IRS to talk about the stimulus payments, someone from the Small Business Administration and somebody with the Western Center on Law & Poverty answer questions regarding services and unemployment,” he said. 

Watch the clip above for more.

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