LOS ANGELES — As Angelenos continue to be asked to turn off their taps as much as possible to endure a third year of drought, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power introduced a new rebate on a device that allows residents to monitor their water usage in real time. Called Flume, the smart watering device identifies wasteful water use and leaks and lets customers track their daily water usage down to the minute.  

“We don’t need a crystal ball to see that skyrocketing temperatures and dying reservoirs are in our future, so we need to keep finding ways to help Angelenos double down on their historic efforts to conserve,” LA Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a statement. “While Angelenos have taken our calls to cut back to heart, it can be hard to manage what you can’t measure.”

The LADWP pilot program comes as LADWP customers used 10% less water than they did a year ago in August. Already, LADWP offers dozens of rebates to help consumers reduce their water usage, including a $500 rebate for efficient clothes washers, a $300 rebate for high-efficiency toilets and $3 per square foot for turf replacement. 

The Wi-Fi-enabled device connects directly to a water meter and can monitor indoor and outdoor watering. It provides a breakdown of water usage by fixture or appliance, including clothes washers, toilets and showers.

“A key part of being more conscientious about our water use is understanding how we’re actually using that water,” LADWP General Manager and Chief Engineer Martin Adams said in a statement. “Currently, our customers learn their home’s water use through their bi-monthly LADWP bill. But through the Flume device, we can get this information into our customers’ hands in real time, empowering them to make more informed decisions about their water use.”

The Flume does not require new plumbing. Its readings are available through an app accessed with a smartphone or tablet. Through the LADWP pilot program, the Flume will cost $49 (excluding shipping and taxes). Ordinarily, it costs $199, but LADWP is providing a $175 discount. Once the device is installed, an additional $25 is refunded to the customer. The discount is available to LADWP customers who live in a single-family residence and buy the Flume directly through the company’s website.