LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Gov. Andy Beshear, D-Ky., is the second most popular governor in the U.S., according to new polling released on July 24 by Morning Consult.

What You Need To Know

  • New polling released by Morning Consult shows Gov. Andy Beshear, D-Ky., is the second most popular governor in the U.S. 

  • Beshear notched a 67% approval rating, making him the country's most popular Democratic governor 

  • Just 28% disapproved and 5% said they didn't have an opinion or don't know 

  • He was the second highest rated governor behind Republican Gov. Phil Scott of Vermont, who notched an 81% approval rating 

Beshear notched a 67% approval rating, with only 28% disapproving and 5% saying they don't know or didn't have an opinion. That makes him the most popular Democratic governor in the country and the second highest rated governor behind Republican Gov. Phil Scott of Vermont, who notched an 81% approval rating.


The polling comes as Beshear's name has been floated as a possible running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris on the Democratic ticket. The governor announced his endorsement of Harris on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program a day after President Joe Biden declared he would not seek reelection, but stopped short of saying whether he would accept an offer to run for vice president.

"The only way I would consider something other than this current job is if I believed I could further help my people and to help this country," Beshear said Monday. "Well, I don't know how that process is going to work. It's flattering to be a part of it."

Beshear has been a rising star in the Democratic party after winning reelection in deep red Kentucky by five points, defeating former Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump. In January, Beshear launched a national political action committee, the In This Together PAC, to focus on helping elect more Democrats across the country.

The Kentucky governor has polled well consistently throughout his tenure as governor. In a similar poll last year, Beshear received a 65% approval rating, and was the fifth most popular governor overall and the most popular Democratic governor in the U.S.

The survey was conducted from April to June 2024 among registered voters in all 50 states as part of a broader survey of the popularity of U.S. senators and governors.

Mason Brighton contributed to this report.


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