MILWAUKEE — It’s no question, college can be stressful. For many students, they’re living on their own for the first time, plus managing academics, a social life and sometimes a job.  

That’s why the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) is offering counseling services for students to help manage their stress and any other mental health issues. 

What You Need To Know

  • The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is offering an array of counseling services for mental health 

  • The services include group therapy, case management and crisis support

  • Susan Cushman, UWM Director of Health Promotion and Advocacy said students should not feel ashamed to ask for help 

  • She said the student health and wellness center is a safe space

Susan Cushman, UWM's Director of Health Promotion and Advocacy, said UWM’s Student Health and Wellness Center offers a menu of options for their students. 

“We call it a stepped care approach,” said Cushman. “On one end of the spectrum is things they can do on their own, it’s self guided. We do a variety of workshops and activities that help student think about 'what are my coping skills?' We also have informal consultations with our counselors.”

Cushman said UWM also offers group therapy, case management and crisis support. 

Zlata Valentska is a freshman at UWM. She said while college wasn’t a huge adjustment it did come with its stressors. 

“Combining work and school and mixing that together, and still trying to get good grades, and still have money to spend,” said Valentska. 

Cushman encourages students to seek support if they’re struggling. She said the student health and wellness center is a safe space. 

“Students shouldn’t feel ashamed about seeking help because we all have mental health and we all struggle from time to time,” said Cushman. “There are people who are ready and able to help.”