MILWAUKEE — On Monday, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) started clearing out the homeless encampment at the Holt Avenue Park and Ride. 

What You Need To Know

  • On Monday, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) started clearing out the homeless encampment at the Holt Avenue Park and Ride

  • People living at the lot were told by state troopers that once they exit, they would not be allowed to enter the park and ride lot again. They said they were given a weeks notice to vacate the park and ride, leading up to Monday’s deadline

  • WisDOT said law enforcement will be posted at all times prohibiting entry into the lots. Individuals who do not voluntarily comply with state law will be removed and cited for trespassing

  • Crews plan to clear the College Avenue Park and Ride on Oct. 28

  • Over the past eight months, Milwaukee County workers have connected 80 people who were living at park and rides with housing

One man said he has been living at the Holt Park and Ride for several months. He will be referred to as “Bob” in this story, although Bob is not his real name. He has asked to remain anonymous due to privacy concerns.

“I had a heart attack and lost everything, so I could not work no more,” Bob said. “This was the only place I knew where to go to keep my girlfriend safe.”

(Spectrum News 1/Cody Taylor)

On Monday morning, Bob made his way through several state troopers and a fence, as he left the park and ride lot to go to work. 

“Right now, I have a generator, a heater, so I can heat my camper up. I have my camper, all my clothes and possessions in there,” Bob said.

He was told by state troopers that he would not be allowed to enter the park and ride lot again. 

In a statement sent to Spectrum News 1 by WisDOT, the department stated that “personal vehicles in violation will be towed and will be stored for 32 days. Recreational vehicles, campers and nonperishable unclaimed property in violation will be collected and will be stored for 60 days. Owners will be notified of retrieval options and that property not retrieved within the specified storage period will be disposed.” 

(Spectrum News 1/Cody Taylor)

While he is at work, Bob said his girlfriend will be working to move their things to a new location. 

Ed Rose is a Milwaukee resident who lives just blocks away from the Holt Avenue Park and Ride. 

“I have never heard anything as far as any problems. I do know they have to do what they have to do to keep everybody safe,” Rose said.

Rose said he did not have an issue with people who are homeless being there, but thinks rules need to be followed.

“If they can help them in a better way of finding a place to stay or something like that, that would be better for everybody,” Rose said.

While Rose had no issues with the homeless encampment, many residents spoke to Spectrum News 1 off camera, saying while they hope the people living there get the help they need, they were relieved the encampment was finally being removed. 

(Spectrum News 1/Cody Taylor)

Bob said during his time at the park and ride, no one has helped him to find housing. 

“It is hard. No one wants to work with us because we live here and they keep giving us excuses, excuses, excuses and then that is it,” Bob said.

Over the past eight months, Milwaukee County workers have connected 80 people who were living at park and rides with housing. 

Bob has plans to move his camper to a different location and said he has little hope that someone will find him a place to live. 

WisDOT said law enforcement will be posted at all times prohibiting entry into the lots. Individuals who do not voluntarily comply with state law will be removed and cited for trespassing.

Crews plan to clear the College Avenue Park and Ride on Oct. 28.