BRILLION, Wis. — The walk across the parking lot was something Danielle Burich knew was coming for months.

What You Need To Know

  • Many school districts started the 2024-2025 school year Tuesday

  • Staff at Brillion Public Schools welcomed returning and new students
  • The Brillion school year ends in early June

It was a big part of bringing her son, Bennett, to his first day of third grade at Brillion Elementary School.

“He was a little nervous, but he’s very excited to be back,” she said. “His friends are in his class, so he’s ready top get back into the groove.”

Burich was among a large group of parents dropping their children off at the Brillion elementary and middle schools around 7:30 a.m. Tuesday.

(Spectrum News 1/Nathan Phelps)

Many stopped to take group or individual photos with the children, including Burich.

“Summer has been long,” she said with a laugh. “I’m ready to get him back into school, get him learning again and just a routine.”

Corey Baumgartner, superintendent of Brillion Public Schools, said this is one of the key days of the school year.

“A lot of it... is just letting everybody get settled in,” he said. “Find their spots, find their classrooms, take away any of those anxieties, make sure their supplies are put away — anything that might get them worried about something else.”

(Spectrum News 1/Nathan Phelps)

Baumgartner said goals for the district in the year ahead include helping students grow academically and as people.

“Just seeing those connections our staff have built with our students, knowing them all by name, welcoming them, greeting them and helping them find their way, that’s so heartwarming,” he said. 

That kind of greeting is especially impactful for Kristina Workman and her two daughters. They began their first day in the district after moving here three months ago from California.

Day one itself provided a learning opportunity.

“Just to not be afraid of new experiences and new things,” Workman said. “It is scary, especially when you don’t know anyone, but just for them to realize it’s not that bad.”

(Spectrum News 1/Nathan Phelps)

Burich said she is looking forward to what the year may hold for her son.

“Just to be able to grow in his academics, his friendships and be part of a friend group that’s really positive,” she said.