MILWAUKEE — Lauren Magnetta is a medical assistant at Kindbody Milwaukee.

Kindbody is one of 35 clinics nationwide that provides fertility services to everyone, including the LGBTQ+ community.

What You Need To Know

  • Kindbody is one of 35 clinics nationwide that provides fertility services to everyone, including the LGBTQ+ community

  • Half of Kindbody’s patients are involved in egg freezing

Magnetta said she knows firsthand the challenges faced by patients.

“So, I suffered from recurrent pregnancy loss while trying to have my children, and I was successful and had three wonderful kids,” said Magnetta. “With that, though, I have patients that come in here who are struggling, who are also suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss or just struggling to get pregnant.”

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, Magnetta said she brings her personal experience to her role at the clinic.

“It is really important that you have someone here that understands what you’re going through. When you haven’t walked in the shoes before, it’s really hard to have empathy for someone,” said Magnetta. “But when you have personally been through it, you know those same feelings.”

Dr. Ellen Hayes is the clinic’s fertility specialist and medical director. She said she has worked in the fertility clinic field for close to 20 years.

Hayes said she supports inclusivity. It’s a big part of what she does.

“I have a lot of couples that want to do what’s called reciprocal IVF, where we will retrieve eggs from one female partner, create embryos and then place the embryo into the other female partner,” said Hayes. “That’s becoming a really popular way for both members of the couple to feel and participate in the process.”

Half of Kindbody’s patients are involved in egg freezing. Magnetta said an inclusive environment is essential for the patient’s well-being.

“It can be easy to see a practice where people will treat you, but here we are celebrating you for exactly who you are,” said Hayes. “We all are firm believers that if you want to build your family, no matter who you are, we are here to help facilitate that.”