MENASHA, Wis. — Twins Harry and Teddy Higgins started sailing when they were 9 years old. Now, the two are teaching sailing classes during the summer.

What You Need To Know

  • Twins Harry and Teddy Higgins have been sailing since 9 years old

  • Harry Higgins is older by one minute

  • The twins will major in business at the University of Montana 

  • They're teaching sailing lessons that take place Monday-Friday throughout the summer

Harry Higgins said sailing can be just as fun, if not more fun, than motorboats.

“When people think of water, a lot of time they think of motorboats and obviously they’re like, ‘Sailboats can’t really be that fun,’” said Harry Higgins. “When you get out here, you really get a feel for sailing. You’ll really learn to enjoy it and have an amazing time out on the water.”

The two said since they have been working together for so long, they can almost read each others’ mind. They said that‘s important because they need to be in sync when adjusting to the sailing conditions.

Teddy Higgins said there is a lot of thinking and moving that goes into sailing.

“Here on Lake Winnebago, one day [the wind] can be coming from the north, the other day, the west,” said Teddy Higgins. “It changes every single day. So being able to understand how the wind changes and being able to adjust to that appropriately is probably the hardest thing about sailing.”

Harry Higgins is the oldest by one minute. He said stressing safety is a priority and a key part of every class. But he said he’s also making sure everyone has fun.

“I’d say the biggest misconception is that it’s slow and boring and that there’s not really a whole lot to do,” said Harry Higgins. “If you really get into it, really understand what the sport really is, you’ll enjoy yourself.”

The twins said they are also using the summer to get ready for college. Both will attend the University of Montana in Missoula and major in business.

Teddy Higgins said although they won’t be able to sail as often, he is thankful for the time he has spent on the water.

“This, and everybody not might agree with me, but my favorite part about sailing is when it’s storming,” said Teddy Higgins. “I love sailing in the wind, rain and the worst conditions…You really feel like a pirate and it’s just you’re getting splashed everywhere, and it’s terrifying and it’s exhilarating.” 

The duo said they’re excited for what the future has in store. Until they leave for college, they said they want to use every chance they get to share their love of sailing.