MILWAUKEE — Alice Wilson, who goes by Ginger Whimsy when performing, is well-known at Wisconsin festivals.

What You Need To Know

  • Alice Wilson, who goes by Ginger Whimsy when performing, is well-known at Wisconsin festivals

  • She said she creates all her own costumes at home

  • She has travelled the U.S., and world, putting her unique creations and skill to use while performing at events

  • She picks up gigs acting and role-playing in training courses for businesses, colleges and the police academy. She also works as a figure model in art classes and as a house painter


“Statue Lady,” Wilson said. “That’s what people call me or yell when they see me. 'Statue Lady.'"

She may have mastered the art of standing perfectly silent and still as a statue, but Wilson is anything but still and silent in real life.

“My apartment is like rainbow-bright,” said Wilson. “I love color. I love lots and lots of color.”

She said she creates all of her own costumes at home. She is experienced in painting fabric, and her skin, to resemble stone and bronze.

She has travelled the U.S. and world, putting her unique creations and skills to use, while performing at events. She recently studied and worked in France, after earning a spot in a prestigious artist in residence program there.

A passion for acting and art led Wilson to study theater at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, setting the stage for a lifelong journey in performance.

“I’ve been a performer in some way or another for most of my life,” she said. “I started as a kid in church productions.”

Wilson wears a lot of hats to make a living from her passion. She picks up gigs acting and role-playing in training courses for businesses, colleges and the police academy. She also works as a figure model in art classes and as a house painter.

"I think some people have the impression that my life is all fun and games, and that it’s not work,” she said. “There’s that saying. I don’t know who said it. ‘Find something you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’  I used to like that saying, but I kind of don’t anymore because that’s not true. That’s like insinuating that if you love what you do, then it’s not work. That’s not true. I work really hard.” 

With that hard work, she’s able to keep doing this profession and impressing audiences. Overall, she said she wouldn’t trade her life experiences for anything.

Right now, some of her costume creations are on display and available for purchase at the MIAD Gallery at The Ave in Milwaukee.