KENOSHA, Wis. — AAA estimates over two million Wisconsinites will travel by car this holiday weekend.
Surprisingly, amid the unexpected chaos of one of the busiest travel days, some are finding it to be a smooth journey.
Rory Jobst and his girlfriend, Shana Novak, embarked on a morning journey from Chicago to Milwaukee.
“We got kind of lucky, like Rogers Park in Chicago where I lived was all pretty clear,” said Jobst.
Novak noted the sparse road traffic.
“Honestly, there was not that many people on the road,” she said. “It was pretty much a straight shot. We didn’t run into much traffic. The only thing was the fog, but it wasn’t that bad that it was impeding traffic or anything.”
Despite the foggy Saturday morning weather, the couple, charting a course back to Chicago tonight and then onwards to Indianapolis tomorrow, enjoyed the unique atmosphere.
“It was spooky, but we both really enjoyed it like I enjoyed it and looking through it,” said Jobst. “We compared it to that Steven King film ‘The Mist,’ but no monsters came out on the other side of it.”
Suzanne Mersch flew from Austin to Chicago and was driving up to Milwaukee on Saturday morning to visit her daughter for the holiday. She also described her journey as hassle-free.
“Chicago to here has been really great,” Mersch said. “We wish we would have more blue skies, but it’s been fantastic. No traffic at all.”
The holiday travel season comes when gas prices are relatively low. Suzanne Mersch embraces the warm and docile Midwest holiday visit.
“We are looking forward to having no snow and no traffic delays due to snow and weather this weekend,” she said.