GLENDALE, Wis. — It was a special day on Sunday for 60 students at St. Catherine Catholic Elementary School. They were able to holiday shop with the Marquette Golden Eagles.

What You Need To Know

  • Sixty students at St. Catherine Catholic Elementary School shopped with the Golden Eagles

  • Kohls provided $200 gift cards for each students' shopping

  • Coach Shaka Smart started the event when he was hired at Marquette three years ago 

  • David Joplin, a junior men's basketball player, enjoys getting to connect with the youth 

Each student was paired with a student-athlete and received a $200 gift card provided by Kohl’s for holiday gifts. 

David Joplin, a junior, was paired with Kaidin, who is in third grade. 

“I want some new shoes,” said Kaidin. “Some new toys. I’m going to wrap those up for my brothers and sisters.” 

Joplin has participated in the event for the past three years. He said he looks forward to it because Milwaukee is his hometown. 

“It’s fun for me. I get to have a younger sibling for the day,” said Joplin. “I think we all take a little extra to make sure we have a good day for them.”

Not only was he able to help Kaidin shop, but the two were able to talk about basketball and football. 

Coach Shaka Smart started the event when he arrived at Marquette University in 2021. He said he wanted to give back to the community. 

“I was lucky as an assistant coach way back in 2006 to be part of a similar event,” said Smart. “I remember walking around a store with a young man and helping him shop. I fell in love with the event. I said, ‘wherever I go we will do this event.’” 

After an hour of shopping, Kaidin was able to fill up his basket.

“Successful day shopping,” said Joplin. “We got something for everybody. We took our time, but we got there.”

Kaidin said he had fun shopping with Joplin and is excited to give the gifts he picked out to his family.