MADISON, Wis. — Daniella Buhler-Vale is a senior at Madison East High School with a 4.0 GPA.

What You Need To Know

  • Daniella Buhler-Vale is a senior at Madison East High School with a 4.0 GPA

  • Outside of the classroom, Buhler-Vale joined the school’s tennis team as a freshman and as a senior, plays varsity singles

  • Outside of athletics and the classroom, Buhler-Vale is involved in numerous clubs. Any free time she has is often spent volunteering as a hockey team manager or to help host events at Madison East High School

Outside of the classroom, Buhler-Vale joined the school’s tennis team as a freshman and as a senior, plays varsity singles. 

(Photo courtesy of Daniella Buhler-Vale)

Andrew Johnson is the head volleyball coach at Madison East High School. He said Buhler-Vale is the hardest working woman on the women’s volleyball team. 

“It has been fun seeing her grow year to year and then taking on that leadership role where she was voted on as a captain for her senior season,” said Johnson.

Johnson said at the end of Buhler-Vale’s junior year season, she pledged to play varsity singles. 

It is something athletes often say to Johnson, but it is not something that most can accomplish. However, she did it. 

“She upped her skills, upped her consistency, upped her serve game, all the different aspects of the game and took that one singles spot and has never let go of it,” said Johnson. 

Buhler-Vale said she was able to make that goal a reality by not only focusing during practice, but by hitting the weight room and the court during her down time. 

“I play a lot in the summer, I play every day for hours and hours, just to improve,” said Buhler-Vale. “I play for fun because I don’t really have the best record out of everyone in our conference but that doesn’t really matter to me because I just like to play and I play to improve.” 

(Photo courtesy of Daniella Buhler-Vale)

Tennis is not the only place that she excels. With a 4.0 GPA, Emma Watermolen, her science teacher and tennis coach, had nothing but good things to say about her. 

“Daniella is an awesome student. I have had her in biology as well as anatomy and physiology and also as an athlete on the tennis team,” said Watermolen. “She is a really hard worker. She is super kind to everyone.” 

She is also an Advanced Placement Scholar Award-holder, which is awarded to students who receive a three or higher on their AP exams. It’s something that Buhler-Vale said she worked really hard for. 

(Photo courtesy of Daniella Buhler-Vale)

“I have always put a lot of work into school and I always put in 100% effort so I think it has paid off,” said Buhler-Vale. 

Outside of athletics and the classroom, Buhler-Vale is involved in numerous clubs. Any free time she has is often spent volunteering as a hockey team manager or to help host events at Madison East High School. 

“The world is her oyster, she has a lot of skills, she has a lot of strengths, she has a lot of interests,” said Watermolen. “She could go play tennis somewhere if she wants, she could go be an awesome scientist, she could be a historian, she just has to figure out what her main interests are going to be and follow that.”

(Photo courtesy of Daniella Buhler-Vale)


Buhler-Vale will be graduating in June and plans to go on to college. 

“I would like to do something in health care or health science related because that’s where more of my priority lies for my own values,” said Buhler-Vale. 

She doesn’t know where she will be going to college yet, but she has started the application process for a few and is excited to find out what her future holds.