MILWAUKEE — For Sonia Vernier, fitness means more to her than just staying in shape.

What You Need To Know

  • Vive la Fitness is a bilingual gym located at 1920 W. Mitchell St. on Milwaukee's south side

  • The owner is helping other Latinos prioritize their health after dealing with her own health challenges

  • Classes are offered primarily in Spanish

It’s a decision and lifestyle that changed her life for the better. 

A few years ago, Vernier was diagnosed with chronic Fibromyalgia. She said the constant doctor visits and medical treatments became overwhelming.

(Spectrum News 1/Katarina Velazquez)

It caused her to have to leave her job. She said that coupled with the daily stress, sent her into a place of depression and feeling empty.

Vernier decided to commit herself to a healthier lifestyle. Vernier and her husband Victor opened Vive la Fitness four years ago on Milwaukee’s south side.

Vernier said Vive la Fitness is about more than building muscle. It’s a place that caters to the emotional and mental wellbeing of her community.

(Spectrum News 1/Katarina Velazquez)

Vernier said fitness has shown her how to be stronger both physically and mentally, but best of all, it has helped her condition significantly. 

It wasn’t an easy road, but she said the best part of improving her health was that she was finally healthy enough to become a mother to two children. 

“Encontre una foltaleza interior que yo nunca pense tener,” she said.

(“I found an inner strength that I never thought I had.”)

Members of the gym like Alfonso Prada said Vernier and the gym have helped him on his health journey.

(Spectrum News 1/Katarina Velazquez)

Prada said he dealt with weight gain and health issues during the pandemic. Since dedicating himself to health and fitness, that’s all changed for the better. 

“Mi cuerpo es el vehiculo mas importante que tengo y es mi responsabilidad cuidarlo, nutrirlo y preparlo por los años venir,” said Prada. 

(“My body is the most important vehicle I have, and it is my responsibility to take care of it, nourish it and prepare it for the years to come.”)

Vernier said stories like Prada's is why she continues to help others.

(Spectrum News 1/Katarina Velazquez)

“Me encanta ver los resultados en mujeres que no creian en ellas y hombres que no creian en ellos,” she said.

(“I love seeing the results in women who didn’t believe in themselves and men who didn’t believe in themselves.”)

She takes pride in seeing how her members have grown in confidence and strength. She’s hoping her work continues to inspire many others and keep health on the forefront in a place she calls home.