MILWAUKEE — She is well loved in the TikTok universe and beyond. Rory the French Bulldog calls Wisconsin home, but her superstar crush launched Rory into her own stardom.

This 4-year-old “diva,” as her owner Heather Land calls her, took a trip across the pond this year to meet actor Henry Cavill. She attended the season three premiere of “The Witcher” in London.

Land said she discovered Rory had a crush on the actor when she was watching “The Witcher” and noticed Rory was watching the TV too.

“She doesn’t watch anything on TV ever and she was staring at the TV and she’d even get down on the floor and stare up at it,” said Land.

Land said she decided to post a video on TikTok about it. Fans were asking whether Rory was drawn to the show, or rather the leading man, Cavill.

So Land started to experiment. She put on the movie “Superman,” which Cavill also stars in.

“And she watched the entire movie. I was floored,” said Land.

Now, Rory has received gifts from around the world. Those gifts have become a shrine that Land said they call “GerAlter,” a pun on Cavill’s character name in the hit Netflix show.

Land is now launching a new project with her dog, a competition show for dogs and their owners, called “Rory’s Ultimutt Dog Challenge.”

You can follow Land and her dog, Rory, on social media to learn more.

Watch the full interview above.