MADISON, Wis. — The University of Wisconsin-Madison held its Spring 2023 Commencement over the weekend as 8,625 students earned a degree and came one step close to starting a new chapter of their lives.

Max Lyman graduated from UW-Madison on Saturday with a degree in Computer Science. 

Being from Boston, he said he chose UW-Madison because of the well respected rowing team, but he stayed for the environment and education. 

“The big school aspect is great, and there's a lot of people here, you can find a community pretty easily,” said Lyman. “It has a fantastic computer science program, and there are some really smart and really interesting individuals here, so I was able to do research and stuff like that which is awesome.” 

Graduating from college can come with a mixture of emotions as students have to worry about finding a job, paying off debt and leaving their friends. 

(Spectrum News 1/Cody Taylor)

According to a survey conducted by the University of Wisconsin, 71% of 2021-22 graduating students seeking jobs were able to find one before leaving college. 

Lyman doesn't plan to worry about any of those things, at least not until he has to. 

“The computer science industry right now is kind of garbage to go into, but [I'm] not super worried,” said Lyman. “I am confident in my resume, and I think I can do pretty well, but that's for the next few months.“ 

Lyman said he will miss his friends and the beautiful Madison summers the most, a sentiment that was shared by Kate Jensen and Maggie Bruce. 

“I can't look at her too long or the tears come, we have gone through all of the emotions just today, were happy, were sad, excited, nervous,” said Maggie and Kate. 

Kate and Maggie have been friends since freshman year, and just like Lyman, they are spending the day reflecting on what a wonderful ride the last few years has been. 

“I think it will work out how it is supposed to work out, I am planning to go to PA school. I am taking a gap year and then going to PA school, we are enjoying the summer while we can,” said Maggie and Kate. 

With 62% of 2021-22 UW students staying to work in Wisconsin after graduation students, like Maggie and Kate, could help vital positions at Wisconsin-based companies like UW-Health, Epic and Amazon.