MILWAUKEE — The Milwaukee Dancing Grannies will be in the New Orleans Mardi Gras parade next year.

“We got a shout out from the 610 Stompers and they reached out to us in January or February and they wanted to help us out after the [Waukesha] parade tragedy, and they didn’t know how,” said Kathi Schmeling, one of the Dancing Grannies’ coaches. “They wanted to somehow coordinate us marching with them in the Mardi Gras Parade, and we took them up on it.”

The group said they have received support not only from Wisconsinites but from people across the U.S., something that means a lot to them.

“It means so much. People have been so appreciative and kind,” said Betty Streng, one of the Dancing Grannies’ coaches. “We go to parades and people are there standing and cheering for us, they are happy to just see us and we are happy to see them.”

Group members are busy booking tickets and finalizing plans for the parade in February as the Dancing Grannies represent Milwaukee in the national spotlight.