MADISON, Wis. — A few years ago, Marilyn Helms couldn’t walk to her mailbox without assistance. She was determined to kick her walker to the curb, and she did.

“It started off that way and then it ended up with lifting,” Helms said. 

At 84 years young, Helms is pulling her weight as she prepares for Wisconsin’s Senior Olympics. 

This fierce competitor can lift her weight and then some. Helms has COPD, so between reps, she takes breaks to catch her breath.

“Weight lifting also increased my bone density, she said.

“It’s about staying social. It’s motivating,” said Yvonne Lewandowski, Senior Director of Wisconsin Senior Olympics.

“We have a lot of athletes who come to us after heart attack surgeries,” she said. “They thrive, they want to beat whatever they had to begin with.”

While it might seem shocking to some, the age to sign up for the Senior Olympics starts at age 40.

“I know when people hear senior they think old. When you turn 40, you aren’t always available to be on a long-term softball team or a volleyball team,” Lewandowski said. “This helps you stay active.”

Lewandowski is also a proud senior competitor.

“I’m hoping that when I reach that age, I’m able to lift that much,” Lewandowski said. “She’s been inspirational to a lot of us. She does hold the record in Wisconsin for the deadlift for the 120 pounds that she dead lifted last year. She’s awe-inspiring.”

“I lift to better myself,” Helms said.

With the support of her trainer, Helms has 2 gold medals. This year she is hoping to add another. Helms competes in the deadlift portion of Wisconsin’s Senior Olympics on Aug. 26 in Milwaukee.

More information on registration, times and availability can be found at