MILWAUKEE — Milwaukee County is home to 169 parks and parkways.

Jeremy Fojut is from the city and has set a personal goal for himself this summer. He plans to run through all 169 parks.

He’s doing it to raise money to benefit the parks system. He said for every kilometer he runs, he will be donating to the Milwaukee County Parks Foundation. He said this idea was inspired from his experience with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Back during the beginning of the pandemic, what place was there for everyone the most?” Fojut said. “It was the parks, and that’s why I started this journey.”

Since he began, he’s already knocked off more than 20 parks from his list, but he’s got a lot more left to conquer. His goal is to finish by the fall.

He said he isn’t a runner by nature, but he’s reaping the mental and physical benefits each day he hits the pavement.

“My focus is I want to finish this for myself, and that I’m consistent,” said Fojut.

He said Milwaukee County is full of beautiful and scenic routes, making his trek a little bit easier.

As he moves forward with each step, he said he welcomes new running partners. He hopes people feel inspired to join him along the way.

“This isn’t about those big mega donations of $20,000,” he said. “Those would be nice, but it’s about getting everybody active outdoors and in their communities.”