DE PERE, Wis. — Leaders for Wild Ones in Green Bay are on a mission to restore biodiversity in northeast Wisconsin.

The group built pollinator kits at a greenhouse in De Pere. The kits consist of native plants that are known to attract pollinators like butterflies, bees and birds.

Nancy Kusch is a volunteer with the group. She transferred meadow blazing star into small pots for the kits. There are several other types of native plants in the kits.

“After they get to a certain size, we can then transfer them one plant into one of the larger pots,” Kusch said.

Kusch said the purpose of the project is bringing more native plants and pollinators to the area.

“These plants will do a great job of encouraging more pollinators, which will benefit everybody,” she said. “It does give you a certain sense of satisfaction.”

Cice Kiefer said pollinators play a big role in nature.

“Our pollinators are actually the reason we have the food we eat and the animals that are around us,” she said.

Kiefer said the pollinator garden kits have grown in popularity.

“People didn’t know what these plants were at all, and now, with all the attention for trying to restore habitat for monarchs and bees and birds and things, people are very interested in native plants,” said Kiefer.

Visit the Wild Ones Green Bay chapter website for more information on the kits at