MILWAUKEE — Wisconsin therapists are experiencing a high demand for mental health services for people of all ages.

According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 68,324 people across the state received services in 2020.

Marrika Rodgers is a licensed professional counselor in Milwaukee and she knows firsthand about the need for mental health services.

“Myself alone as well as other clinicians have been at capacity with our case loads. So, it’s been a little difficult to get clients in and at times they have to be wait-listed,” Rodgers said. “It is a challenge because once you realize someone is ready for therapy, you want to capitalize on that moment.”

“There has definitely been an increase in individuals in the community seeking therapy, those struggling with anxiety and depression,” explained Rodgers. 

Rodgers also knows there are some individuals who need therapy but won’t seek help and that is why she is reaching them in a more community-based setting.

“I do the healing gatherings because I understand some individuals are not going to make the decision to sit down with the clinician one-on-one but they are willing to come to a group setting to hear about other individuals stories and to also have some takeaways from the clinicians that sit on the panel,” Rodgers said. “So, it is an opportunity to have a safe space for trauma and ultimately heal the community.”

Rodgers recommends the following advice:

  • Just like scheduling a regular doctor appointment or dentist appointment, schedule an appointment for therapy.
  • Practice daily self-care. Examples include going for a walk, listening to your favorite music, doing something you enjoy for a few minutes during the day. 
  • Be aware of your emotions and if you are feeling more negative thoughts than positive thoughts, try to figure out what is triggering the negative thoughts. If the negative thoughts continue, reach out to a professional.

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services also works to prevent and treat mental health illnesses and provide supports for people seeking or already in recovery.

Rodgers hosts the free healing gathering events every month. More details can be found here. Call 2-1-1 to learn about mental health resources in your community.