MILWAUKEE — Donating blood is one of the easiest way to help save lives.

One Wisconsin man has now reached a milestone in his donation journey and is hoping to inspire others. Harry Kohal started his journey of donating back when he was in basic training for the Air Force. Now he’s officially reached the ten gallon mark. 

“It takes an hour of your time and it gives life,” Kohal said. 

He keeps donating because he said taking one hour of his day to help others who need it is rewarding. Kohal said the journey so far has been humbling. 

“Even if you only do it a couple times a year, it counts,” Kohal said. “It’s really important to help our community and help patients that are in desperate need of blood transfusions.” 

Kristin Paltzer of Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin said many blood banks like theirs rely on donors like Kohal.  

“We have an incredibly loyal donor base,” Paltzer said. “Harry is just one of many stories we have of people that have been donating for years or have been personally impacted by other blood donations in their family and made it their own personal mission.” 

Kohal says if you’re hesitant to donate, it’s a fast, easy and largely painless process. He’s hoping his milestone encourages others to get out and share the gift of life.