MANITOWOC, Wis. — For more than a century Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry has been a staple in Manitowoc.
The business has expanded and modernized over the past century, producing parts and castings for a wide base of customers around the globe.
“We’re very diversified. We make parts for agricultural, marine, construction, off-highway trucks and industrial equipment,” said Greg Rabe director of operations. “We stay busy all year round.”
The foundry has stayed busy through 2020 and is in the midst of a multi-million dollar expansion of the plant and some machinery.

That has the company looking for about two dozen more employees for finishing, maintenance and foundry jobs on second and third shifts. It’s also seeking people for a Monday to Thursday 4 p.m. to 4 a.m. shift.
“We’re looking for any energetic individual that wants to advance and wants to learn and who wants to be part of a team,” Rabe said. “We consider ourselves a team here.”
That includes Isabella Mattie, a finisher who has been on the job for about three years.
“I enjoy the atmosphere. I love the company,” she said. “It’s the first company I’ve worked for that I feel like they care about you. There's a lot of little things they do for you around the holiday seasons. Or in summer we have summer picnics.”
She occasionally sees items produced by the foundry — and her — outside of work, including a pipe wrench.
“I’d see them hanging up in a garage and there’s a little twinkle in your eye,” she said with a laugh. “I’ve had enough of those go through my hands throughout my years.”
John King, who has worked at Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry for 34 years, said owners have invested heavily in filtration and ergonomics — including manipulating arms and cranes — throughout the facility.
He started working on the production floor and is now a casting process engineer, a position he finds engaging and exciting.
“It’s something different every day. It’s never redundant, it’s something new,” King said. “It’s like a different job everyday.”

It’s that kind of excitement — and a willingness to learn — King and others say Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry is seeking in job candidates.
“You want somebody that’s motivated and excited to work here,” he said. “It’s like, ‘Ah, that’s cool. Can I try pouring?’ Or, ‘Can I do that?’”
More information about careers at “Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry can be found at