GREEN BAY, Wis. — Rick Schadewald is on a journey to save Christmas for the children of northeast Wisconsin.

The retired history teacher and current county board supervisor takes up a very different role each holiday season: Santa Claus.

“I tell everybody I’m Santa’s Helper,” Schadewald says.

He’s been a working Santa for more than a dozen years. 2020 has thrown that side of his life through a loop.

“I really really miss the kids this year, especially the ones that I’ve seen since they were babies,” he says.

He says families have asked him to be Santa via Portal, Zoom, Webex, and other video conferencing services. That’s just not this Santa’s style.

“I don’t want to be a TV or video Santa,” he says. “I prefer in person, and so that’s the hardest part.”

He’s founding himself visiting individual families as Jolly Old St. Nick. He knows it brings a risk. So do those who see him.

“I hope everybody is safe,” says Ross Toellner. “The idea of wearing a mask and be six feet [apart] … is important, is really important, because most of our Santas are not exactly spring chickens.”

Schadewald stopped by Toellner’s home to say high to his two-year-old daughter. It’s those moments Schadewald says you can’t get through a screen.

“You really appreciate all those memories in your lifetime of Christmas and Christmas cheer,” he says.

Schadewald does his best to keep his distance and limit interaction. He says no distance can keep him from creating the memories that keep Christmas magical.