ROTHSCHILD, Wisc. (SPECTRUM NEWS) — For years, Jared Wesenick followed the Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin contest.
This year, one of his industrial 3D printers is entered in the month-long event highlighting the state’s products and manufacturing jobs.

“A lot of people view Wisconsin as only the dairy state, manufacturing is kind of the second tier, but when you look around the state at some of the old names in manufacturing that were founded in Wisconsin, they’ve become worldwide names,” he said.
Wesenick is president of Compound Dynamics, a Rothschild business that makes 3D printing machines and offers 3D printing services.
Shining a light on companies like his, is the point of the contest.

“As someone who works in the manufacturing every single day, and talks to manufacturers all across the state, even I’m surprised at the things we make here in Wisconsin,” said Nick Novak of Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce in Madison. “Whether it be customized food trucks up in St. Germain, Wisconsin, or the McDonald’s signs for restaurants all across the country, there are so many different things we make here in Wisconsin.”
Winning products are chosen through several rounds of voting that narrow the field to a final four.
The first voting window runs from Monday to Sept. 20. The winner will be announced Oct. 14.

“There are so many good news stories that we have in manufacturing and the Coolest Thing Made In Wisconsin contest really gives us the opportunity to tell those stories and to tell the stories about the impact manufacturing has on local communities,” Novak said. ”I think people will really walk away from it knowing what gets made in their community and made in their state but knowing the great careers available in manufacturing.”
People can vote for the Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin once per day, here.