MILWAUKEE( SPECTRUM NEWS)-- On Saturday, our future generation stepped up to have their voices heard as some of our youngest heroes marched for peace, justice and equality.

“I am a hero because I actually help people and I am nice to everyone,” says Kylee Seroyer, 5.

The words of 5-year-old Kylee Seroyer speaks volumes. Kylee may be too young to know about the injustice people of color have faced for hundreds of years. ​So how do you explain all of this to a child. Kylee’s parents, like many others, are learning kids are never too young to have their voices heard and questions answered.

Vontrell Seroyer and his wife Shaneil Sawyer organized the ”What about Us Kids" walk, a family friendly event which brought together families from across Wisconsin to MLK Peace Park in Milwaukee.

“We just want to give kids an opportunity to say how they feel, learn about the movem​ent and have a safe place to express themselves,” says Vontrell Seroyer.

"You should treat others how you want to be treated ,” says Khloe Smith, 10.

Police officer Jamie Sromalla with MPD was among half a dozen cops who volunteered her time to support the movement. "We wanted the community to know we do care about you guys and that’s what we came out to walk with all the kids,” she said.