MILWAUKEE (SPECTRUM NEWS) -- As students gear up for winter break at Milwaukee’s Jewish Day School, they are preparing for a centuries-old tradition in the Jewish faith: Hanukkah.

Hazel Alpren is a third grader and explained to Spectrum News what this holiday is all about. 

Spectrum News: Why are there 8 nights of Hanukkah?

Hazel Alpren: Because there was only one vial of oil left and it was only supposed to last for one night but it lasted enough to keep the eternal flame still burning. 

SN: Why does a menorah have 9 branches?

Hazel: So you light the shamash and you use it to light the first 3 candles if it's the third night of Hanukkah.

SN: What is the story of Hanukkah?

Hazel: So the story of Hanukkah is the Greeks wanted to take over Israel and the Jewish religion because they wanted everybody to celebrate the same thing. And the Jewish people didn’t want to so they fought a war and they had a small army and they didn’t have as many weapons and they won which is the first miracle.

Another miracle is that they found a vial and there was only enough to last one day and there wasn’t enough to make more but instead of only burning for one day it burned for 8 which is another miracle.

SN: What is your favorite part about Hanukkah?

Hazel: The presents and being with family and the food. All three. 

SN: But, really your favorite part? 

Hazel: The presents. 

Hanukkah runs for 8 days and ends on December 30th. Groups around Wisconsin lit menorahs on Sunday night, including outside Milwaukee's Fiserv Forum and the Hilldale Mall in Madison.