NEW BERLIN (SPECTRUM NEWS) -- If you've been missing the big screen and buttery popcorn, it's movie time again!
But going to the movies during a pandemic looks a little different then we're all used to.
At Marcus Ridge Cinema in New Berlin an employee greets each moviegoer with masks, which are encouraged, and a rundown of the new safety precautions.

It's a welcome back Amaya Massey has been waiting for, "I missed it a lot actually. Just 'cuz I couldn't go, I wanted to go more."
So far Marcus has opened six theaters across the U.S., four of them in Wisconsin.
All have new safety protocols which start before you even get in the door.
"In order to have a low-contact environment we've added these step and pull door openers," Rob Novak told us. He's Vice-President of Concessions and Food and Beverage with Marcus Theatres.
The door openers help guests avoid ever touching a door handle. "We want the consumers to come out, experience our facilities, see all the changes we've made to keep them safe, encourage them to come back," Novak shared.
Plexiglass has been installed in key areas, and there's no more ticket ripping at check-in. You hold your phone or tickets up to the glass to be verified.
If you're getting food at the concession stand one employee handles your payment, a different employee prepares the order.
There's also the option to pre-order your food or snacks online; there's a separate pick up area for that. Novak pointed out, "the menu's the same, and everything's available via the app."
As you head into the auditorium there are more changes. Guests have to remove a strip of tape from their seats. The tape means the chair was sanitized after the last moviegoer.

And the theater is only selling half the chairs. "No parties are sitting behind another party, and no one is sitting directly next to you," Novak explained.
There's also social distancing in restrooms, cleaning throughout the day and you'll find hand sanitizer and wipes around the theater.
"I think they're doing a really good job with all the precautions they have set in place. It's really safe," Massey commented.
Theaters are still waiting for first-run movies to be released, but they are showing some newer movies only out a short time before everything shut down. There are also older options like Jaws and Harry Potter playing now.
Marcus is only open four days a week and showtimes have changed. Be sure to check online before you go to the movies.