The Biden administration announced Wednesday a series of actions aimed at boosting students’ performance in the classroom.

What You Need To Know

  • The Biden administration announced Wednesday a series of actions aimed at boosting students’ performance in the classroom

  • The initiatives include $149 billion aimed at ensuring every child is reading fluently by the third grade and $30 million for assessment systems that measure student achievement and help inform teaching

  • The Education Department is also issuing new school improvement guidance that provides examples of what it says are evidence-based approaches to help educators and students, including addressing chronic school absenteeism through early-warning systems and improved family engagement, tutoring students in small groups, and offering afterschool and summer learning programs

  • The Biden administration is calling on governors and state education leaders to create statewide data systems that provide information on chronic absenteeism statewide

The initiatives include $149 billion aimed at ensuring every child is reading fluently by the third grade and $30 million for assessment systems that measure student achievement and help inform teaching.

The $149 billion will go toward grants for literacy programs. For example, Ohio is partnering with state colleges and universities to better train teachers on literacy instruction, and Montana will use funds to expand reading instructional skills for educators in rural areas.

The Education Department is also issuing new school improvement guidance that provides examples of what it says are evidence-based approaches to help educators and students, including addressing chronic school absenteeism through early-warning systems and improved family engagement, tutoring students in small groups, and offering afterschool and summer learning programs. 

The Biden administration is calling on governors and state education leaders to create statewide data systems that provide information on chronic absenteeism statewide. The data could be used to target interventions and drive improvement, the White House said.

Chronic absenteeism — defined as students who miss at least 10% of school — soared during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the numbers have improved since, absenteeism continues to be a challenge for schools.

Meanwhile, the Institute of Education Science released a new online resource for teachers on strategies for increasing student literacy and math achievement.  

“As students across the country head back to school, the Biden-Harris Administration is working to make sure America’s schools have the resources and supports they need to continue their important progress,” a White House fact sheet said. “Working together, at the federal, state, and local level, we must all doubledown on strengthening reading and math skills; increasing student attendance and engagement; providing afterschool and expanded learning programs; and increasing access to intensive tutoring.”

The American Rescue Plan allocated $122.8 billion for preschool through 12th grade education. 

The Biden administration on Wednesday pointed to a recent study by researchers at Harvard University and Stanford University that found, despite complaints about misuse, many school districts spent federal pandemic relief funding in ways that boosted student achievement.