WISCONSIN— During a year when teachers have been tasked with both virtual and in-person instruction, students at Cudahy High School wanted to let their teachers know they care.


What You Need To Know

  • This week we take time to honor our educators across Wisconsin

  • High school students at Cudahy High School celebrate teacher appreciation week

  • Metal shopstudents make 100+ metal hearts for teachers and staff 


Students in Mr. Thomas Backes' metal shop class made more than 100 metal hearts for teachers and staff as a token of their appreciation. 

Backes is one of close to 100 teachers at Cudahy High School who's provided constant care and support when the only other consistency has been "change."

"I spend most of my days with my teachers and I want to show them I appreciate them," says Owen Chariton, a high school junior.

The impact Wisconsin's teachers are making is felt throughout the halls of Cudahy High School, and nearly every other school in the state. 

"The teachers do a lot for us; they are here every day and most don't make very good money. But they do it because they like being here for us," says Jacomo Riccio, a high school junior. 

Another student recognizes the sacrifice his teachers-turned-mentors are making, in an effort to ensure his education continues. 

"This year, because of COVID and everything, a lot of people can't come to school and for the kids that do come to school, the teachers have to come here and teach them how to do stuff like Mr. Backes here," says Ardit Ikonomi, a high school junior.  

For Ardit, the commitment of Mr. Kevin Plath, his math teacher, has made a significant difference, too.

He decided to present him with a metal heart as a token of his appreciation.

"It may be a little thing, but it means a lot," says Plath, who after 31 years of teaching, is retiring later this year.

Whether they're in their first or last year of teaching, almost every one of the Badger State's teachers brings their heart to the classroom every day.