CLEVELAND, Ohio — Among the many students in medical, dental physician’s assistant and nursing school hard at work at Case Western, is fourth year dental student Nathan Andrasik.

  • A family foundation is supporting students at Case Western University who are pursuing careers in the healthcare field
  • Students are grateful for contributions from the Warburton Foundation
  • Students who are U.S. citizens, and from middle income families in Northeast Ohio, are eligible to apply for the scholarship

“It was kind of one of those things, I never had a negative experience at the dentist. My brother’s in medical school, so he kind of inspired me to follow him into the medical career, and then from there, I just thought dentistry would be a good career,” said Andrasik.

And as the Hudson native walks through campus, he says going to school here gives him a way to give back.

“So, I kind of wanted to come back, come to Cleveland, and be able to contribute to the community here and hopefully help some people out in my hometown,” said Andrasik. 

Like many students, paying for a private school like case isn’t easy.

But Phillip Warburton wants to make sure students like him don’t miss out on a chance at a great education at his alma mater.

“We want to see students who are middle income students, have an opportunity to go to school here,” said Warbuton, president, Ralph T. and Esther L. Warburton Foundation.

And his foundation, the Ralph T. and Esther L. Warburton Foundation, named after his parents, has pledged to give $3 million to Case Western Reserve University for medical, dental and nursing scholarships.

“My father and mother were very humble people, and they probably wouldn’t have exposed themselves to this like we are. They always were looking out for other people, and we are looking out for other people, and we’re looking out for other people by doing what they’re doing,” said Warburton. 

The commitment will allow more students in Ohio to have access to this massive health education building. 

“Typically, each school works with its own silo and doesn’t interact with other students and faculty from 

other schools, but in this building, because we’re co located, it’s very easy to collaborate across schools,” said Tyler Reimschisel, provost, Case Western Reserve University. 

Reimschisel says donations like the ones from the Warburtons, help the school maximize the potential of more local students.

“What they do is allow us to ensure that the student body is representative of the population that we’re serving. It’s also very important to make sure that the students learn how to work effectively in their own profession, then also how they work across professions,” said Reimschisel.

But according to Andrasik, the help from the Warburtons goes beyond finances. 

It’s also the support of the Warburtons that kind of inspires me to keep going and do better and keep pushing through the trials of dental school because it is stressful and you know, at times things kind of get weighed down on you, so it is nice to know that they’re kind of in my corner back there. 

Students who are U.S. citizens, and from middle income families in Northeast Ohio, are eligible to apply for the scholarship.