Military recruiters are working to connect with young men and women who are interested in serving in the U.S. Military.

In Focus host, Mike Kallmeyer, got a chance to speak with two recruiters here in Ohio about how they work to engage recruits. Staff Sgt. Jacob Brown is an active dury Army recruiter and Sgt. First Class Jamar Williams recruits for the Army Reserve. Brown and Williams talked with Kallmeyer about some of the challenges they face as recruiters.

"Our two biggest concerns are having people that are medically qualified and that can pass the test," Brown said. New initiatives such as mini boot camps help officers get recruits across the finish line.

Williams said Ohio ranks on the low end for military presence compared to other states, so they are working to connect with Ohio citizens to let them know they are around.

"What we try to work with is getting with our units, showing up to career fairs, showing up to schools, bringing a vehicle asset and getting it in front of the Ohio citizens so they know we are here and we do have an option for them," Williams said. Brown and Williams shared some of their personal experiences serving in the U.S. Army and described what new recruits could have to look forward to if they decide to join.