WORCESTER, Mass. - Massachusetts lawmakers heard testimony from agencies and programs on critical issues at Doherty Memorial High School on Tuesday while the next state budget is shaped.

What You Need To Know

  • The Joint Committee on Ways and Means held a public hearing at Worcester's Doherty High on Tuesday

  • Lawmakers heard testimony from 10 agencies and programs about critical issues impacting health and services 

  • Those who testified included the Executive Office of Veterans' Services, the Office of Veteran Assistance, Department of Children and Families, Department of
  • Developmental Services, Department of Youth Services, MassAbility, Mass. Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Mass. Commission for the Blind, and the Office of Refugees and Immigrants
  • There are at least four more similar public hearings scheduled this year

“We love being in Worcester with this amazing high school here," Santiago said. "I feel like it's just opened a year ago; really a testament to the investment in education.”

The public hearing, chaired by Sen. Robyn Kennedy and Rep. Chyna Tyler, focused on health and human services in the state, specifically what’s working and what’s needed when it comes to funding as they shape the FY2026 budget.

Lawmakers heard testimony on critical issues impacting children and families, people with disabilities, immigrant communities, and veterans.

“Well, it's important that our agencies or secretaries or commissions are good stewards of taxpayer dollars," Santiago said. "So, today we are talking to legislators who appropriate funds to let them know what we're doing with your taxpayer dollars.”

Executive Office of Veterans' Services Secretary Jon Santiago’s cabinet-level position was created 2 years ago to ensure veterans get needed attention and resources… and he believes his office is making strides for veteran services because of the funding they receive.

“We've transformed veteran services across the Commonwealth, thanks to the leadership of people like Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll, who've devoted significant amount of funding and resources to this. We today in the Commonwealth are funding veterans’ services at a higher-level rate than ever before and we're engaging more veterans," Santiago said. "It is a testament to the leadership of Governor Healey, Lieutenant Governor Driscoll. These leaders care about veterans.”

There are four more similar public hearings scheduled as the governor’s office and the legislature work to pass a budget they deem fiscally responsible.

In a statement, Sen. Robyn Kennedy said, "The Joint Committee on Ways and Means hearings hosted across Massachusetts are a vital opportunity for communities to participate in the state's budget process. With four hearings left, we continue to join state agencies to hear about the Governor's budget proposal. Today, we heard from the state agencies that play a crucial role in supporting our communities, including the Executive Office of Veterans Services, the Department of Children and Families, and MassAbility, among others. Their testimony shed light on the challenges and opportunities within our health and human services system - whether it's improving care for veterans, strengthening protections for children, or expanding accessibility for individuals with disabilities. We chose Doherty High School for the Hearing on Health and Human Services II to highlight the Worcester Public Schools and schowcase the newly renovated high school as a hub for learning and community investment and increased access to career and technical programs."