TAMPA, Fla. — A Manatee County Sheriff’s Office crime victim advocate has gone above and beyond to help a little girl whose mother was murdered. It’s a situation that touched Maria Mireles because she is a mother herself.
Senior victim advocate Mireles responded to the murder scene in June 2020. Delmy Teyul-Ba’s estranged boyfriend had killed her. And Mireles saw a deputy carry Teyul-Ba’s infant daughter, Kayla, from the home covered in blood.
“Well, it broke my heart,” said Mireles.
Mireles had her own daughter that was almost exactly Kayla’s age at the time. So, her mother instinct kicked in. “Oh yeah, immediately. Immediately that kicks in as you want to get her and help her and see what she needs,” she said.
She decided to be a part of Kayla’s life after that. Kayla’s grandmother moved from Guatemala to help raise Kayla. Mireles helped with school supplies and helped with making sure Kayla had transportation to school. She was also a part of birthday parties for Kayla.
Mireles and the grandmother have become friends. In fact, the grandmother is so grateful for all of Mireles’ help, she has feelings for her like a mother figure.
Mireles says other victim advocates at the sheriff’s office think of themselves as aunts to Kayla. They sometimes develop a bond with the people they help.
“You know, being in the field we are in, you can’t disconnect completely. You have to. You have to learn. You can’t just turn off your emotions,” she said.
Because of her commitment to serving the residents of Manatee County, the sheriff’s office named Mireles its employee of the month in January.