COLUMBUS, Ohio — We’re getting to the time of year where more motorcycles are out on the road. 

What You Need To Know

  • With the weather warming up, more motorcycles are out on the road

  • Ohio is one of the few states that doesn't require riders to wear a helmet 

  • 65% of riders killed in a crash are not wearing a helmet 

Judy Converse, PIO for the Ohio Traffic Safety Office, said motorcycle safety is everyone’s responsibility. 

“It’s the responsibility of a driver to look out for motorcycles, anticipate seeing those vehicles on the roads," Converse said. "They’re among the most vulnerable vehicles out there just because they can hide in a blind spot really easily."

But it’s also the responsibility of the rider. That’s why the Ohio Traffic Safety Office offers a motorcycle training program. 

“They’re learning the fundamentals of riding, learning how to navigate curves, how to stop how to start, how to break in an emergency, how to swerve in an emergency, so they’re getting prepared for a safe riding season,” Converse said.

In Ohio, there isn’t a general motorcycle helmet law, which gives riders a lot of freedom, making things much more dangerous. Converse said about 65% of riders killed in a crash are not wearing a helmet. 

“I like to say a helmet is your best defense against a distracted driver or a drunk driver that’s out there,” Converse said.

And that’s exactly why Todd Smith has spent the last 17 years instructing motorcycle education courses for Motorcycle Education of Central Ohio.

“We’re gonna teach you the best way to interact with a motorcycle and interact with traffic," Smith said. "We’re gonna give you strategies on how to be safe and make good decisions."

And Smith said he never rides without a helmet. 

“The helmet is the most important piece of safety equipment that you can have. If you spend no money on any other gear, buy the best helmet that you can afford to ride,” Smith said.