WORCESTER, Mass. - The Worcester County St. Partick’s Parade is always a great time for thousands of people and the 43rd annual added to the list of many successful Worcester parades…

Rainy weather held off for the hundreds of parade marchers and thousands of attendees lining 2 miles of Park Avenue. The parade is a tradition for many including this year’s Grand Marshal Kate McEvoy.

“Well, I have been on this parade committee and I’ve come to this parade since I was a little kid," McEvoy said. "So, this is more meaning than anyone can imagine.”

The Worcester County St. Partick’s Parade highlights many cultures, groups, bands schools and local businesses including the Murphy Academy of Irish Dance out of Grafton who works to keep Irish tradition alive.

“I started it with my sisters Elizabeth and Erin in 2017 and it’s just taken off and they all love and enjoy Irish dancing," Bridget (Murphy) Moseley said. "It’s just a love and joy. It’s really like a bug, it’s contagious. Once you start, you can never stop and the kids are all enjoying it.”

As the Parade Committee always says, plans for next year’s 44th annual parade are already underway.