OHIO — A growing concern over mosquitoes being resistant to insecticide prompted researchers at Ohio State University to look for a solution to the problem. 

What You Need To Know

  • As part of a study, experts say mosquitoes are one of the deadliest animals in the world because they transmit disease to humans 
  • Researchers say CBD, something typically used for aches and pains, kills mosquito larvae and mosquito larvae that is already resistant to insecticide
  • Overuse of chemical insecticides has created resistance within mosquitoes according to authors of the study

“The problem is that we don’t really have a big arsenal to fight against mosquitoes, and the very limited arsenal that we have…the very limited tools create resistance because we overuse them so much,” said Eric Martinez Rodriguez, lead author and Ohio State University graduate student.

He said the chemicals used have had negative effects on the environment. This is why researchers believe it’s necessary to find another solution. 

Martinez Rodriguez said they didn’t think CBD would have been the thing that could possibly solve the issue, but after looking at all the different chemical compounds hemp had and its effects, they found CBD could be the most effective in killing off the larvae.

However, he notes that more research needs to be done to determine its full effect as an insecticide if it was put on the market. This, as they’re still in the early stages of research. One thing they’ll have to study more is its impact on the environment.

“We don’t really know the impact that CBD is going to have in our environment in a non-targeted organism,” Martinez Rodriguez said.